New Cat Wand Teaser Stick Toy

New Cat Wand Teaser Stick Toy-News
The new cat wand stick teaser toy has an elastic handle and head.

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The new cat wand stick teaser toy has an elastic handle and head. The handle can be 32-72cm. The head can be pushed out. Length can be 0-50cm. Total can be 1.2m. The head of this cat stick also can be replaceable.

Product description: The package contains 2 replacement heads and a fishing rod. The replacement head is composed of different colors of fox hair and rooster feathers. The three-section telescopic fishing rod is about 40 inches long and 16 inches short.

Easy to use: The cat stick toy has a uniquely soft handle fishing rod design. The maximum length of the three-section telescopic rod is 39-40 inches. Even after playing with cats for a long time, you will not feel tired.

Product features: unique fox feather replacement head, imitating real animals, can be used alone, will attract cats, enhance hunting and tracking capabilities, help exercise, reduce weight and reduce indoor pressure.

Cat test: The cat stick toy that imitates real animals is tested by cats. Among many toys, they prefer this fox fur toy

Important information: If the owner leaves, please put the cat toy out of the cat’s reach to avoid danger.

Package Included The package contains 2 replacement heads and a fishing rod. The replacement head is composed of different colors of fox hair and rooster feathers Material Fox hair and rooster feathers replacement head, Rubberrials. The three-section telescopic fishing rod is about 40 inches long and 16 inches short.

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