Katsi Imbwa Hammock Bed Free-Standing Wash & Breathable Easy Assembly Indoor Kunze

Breathable and washable summer pet bed

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  • [Breathable material] It keeps pets feel cool and comfortable.
  • [Usable both indoors and outdoors] With a rugged design, the bed is suited for everyday use, both indoors and outdoors.
  • [Isolation of moisture and cold] The size is about 16.9 in x 16.9 in x 9.5 mu. Large enough to keep pets away from hot, cold, or dirty floors while resting or sleeping.
  • [Simple maintenance] The lid can be removed. Drainage is also great. It dries quickly in the shade. It also has a higher drying speed than polyurethane and hard cotton.
  • [Conenient storage] Because the product includes basic assembly, you can fold it into a bag when not in use, so it’s easy to store.
  • [Adaptable] It can be used with cats,small and medium-sized dogs , etc.

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