Ma jiraan wax alaab ah oo lagu daray eeyaha is dhexgalka leh ee u calariya squeak toy ee xayawaanka yar yar ee taranka weyn waxa ay siisaa ilmo adag oo raagaya

ey toy

La Wadaag Boostada

  • Plush Dog Squeaky Toys: This assortment value bundle plush pet toy contains 5 pack big woodland animals: Raccoon Squirrel Tiger Fox and Lion. The funny and enrichment toys help dogs to exercise more and improve their health. A good dog products for boredom and stimulating. They can do chewing and teething, tug of war games.
  • No Stuffing Plush Toys: 100% stuffingless squeaky toys and no any hidden dangerous stuffing, it’s very safe for your puppies to play, no worry about swallow or choke on. Five different sized bulk toys make it suitable for small, medium and large breeds chewers. It will be more durable because most dogs are less tempted to kill an unstuffed toy.
  • With Two Squeaky: These stuffless squeak doggie toys set have squeakers in both head and tail which will attract dog’s attention. When you’re away from home, squeaky toys will help release your pet’s anxiety and pressure, keep them busy, cleaning their teeth, and reduce their destructive behavior.
  • Good Quality: Made of non-toxic premium quality plush fabric, incredibly safe, soft and durable. Floppy lightweight bodies, length of fox and lion is 17.72inch, squirrel and raccoon is 21.26inch, tiger is 19.69inch, easy for small, medium and large dogs to carry, toss, and roll around with. Intensive fabric and better stitching make these squeeky toys more durable for dogs
  • WARM TIPS FOR DOG TOY SET: Please kindly note these toys are not for extra aggressive chewers, such as hound. We offer 30 Days Replacement and Refund Guarantee for these stuffless dog toys. There is anything wrong with it, just click “Nala soo xiriir” and we will be happy to assist you with replacement or refund.

Wax Badan Oo La Baadho

Waxaad rabtaa alaab badan oo isku dhafan, xitaa xalalka alaabta xayawaanka ee ka sii fiican?

Khadka noo soo dhig oo la xidhiidh.

Hel Xigasho Degdeg ah

Waxaan kaga jawaabi doonaa gudaha 12 saacadood, fadlan u fiirso iimaylka dabadhilifka ah "".

Sidoo kale, waxaad aadi kartaa Bogga Xiriirka, kaas oo bixiya foom faahfaahsan, Haddii aad hayso su'aalo dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan alaabada ama aad jeclaan lahayd inaad hesho badeecado badan oo xayawaan ah oo isku dhafan.

Ilaalinta Xogta

Si loogu hoggaansamo shuruucda ilaalinta xogta, waxaan kaa codsaneynaa inaad dib u eegto qodobada muhiimka ah ee ku jira popupka. Si aan u sii wadno isticmaalka mareegahayaga, waxaad u baahan tahay inaad gujiso 'Aqbal & Xir'. Waxaad ka akhrisan kartaa wax badan oo ku saabsan siyaasaddayada khaaska ah. Waxaan dukumineynaa heshiiskaaga, waxaadna ka bixi kartaa adiga oo aadaya siyaasaddayada sirta oo gujinaya widget-ka.