A kanë frikë macet nga nxehtësia në verë?

Macet kanë aftësi më të dobët të rregullimit të temperaturës së trupit.

Cats have some unique physiological and temperature regulation characteristics. Especially in the hot summer, many cat owners worry about whether their cats are afraid of the heat and at what temperatures they may not be able to tolerate it. This article will delve into this issue and provide scientific answers and suggestions for cat owners.
1、 The Temperature Regulation Mechanism of Cats
Së pari, we need to understand the temperature regulation mechanism of cats. Cats are constant temperature animals, and their normal body temperature is generally between 38.5 ° C and 39.5 ° C. In order to maintain this stable body temperature, cats regulate their bodies through various methods, including skin cooling, respiratory cooling, and regulating water and electrolyte balance through drinking water and urination.
2、 Catsadaptability to high temperatures
Although the adaptability of cats to high temperatures varies depending on breed, mosha, health status, and other factors, generally speaking, when the ambient temperature exceeds the comfort range of cats, they will experience a series of discomfort symptoms. Specifically, when the ambient temperature reaches 30 ° C or above, the cat’s breathing rate will increase, allowing for heat dissipation through breathing; When the ambient temperature exceeds 35 ° C, the cat’s appetite will decrease and its spirit will become sluggish; When the ambient temperature exceeds 40 ° C, cats may experience serious symptoms such as heatstroke, and even endanger their lives.
3、 How to help cats get through the hot summer
Since cats have weak adaptability to high temperatures, as cat owners, how should we help cats get through the hot summer? Këtu janë disa sugjerime:

  1. Provide a cool environment: Së pari, ensure that the cat’s living environment remains cool. Indoor temperature can be reduced by turning on air conditioning, fans, and other equipment; At the same time, it is also important to ensure that cats have sufficient drinking water to replenish the water lost due to high temperatures.
  2. Adjusting diet: In hot summer, cats may experience a decrease in appetite. At this point, we can adjust the cat’s diet appropriately and add some easily digestible and water rich foods, such as wet food, canned food, etj; At the same time, it is also important to avoid feeding cats too much dry food and snacks.
  3. Pay attention to the physical condition of cats: In summer, we should pay more attention to the physical condition of cats. Once a cat experiences symptoms such as shortness of breath, lethargy, and loss of appetite, timely measures should be taken to cool down and treat it.
  4. Moderate exercise: Although summer is hot, moderate exercise is also beneficial for the physical health of cats. You can choose to take your cat for a walk or play in the morning or evening; At the same time, it is also important to avoid exposure to scorching sun or engaging in vigorous exercise.


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A do të kthehet vetë një qen i humbur??

Qentë kanë një instinkt natyral për t'u kthyer në shtëpi. Ky instinkt i shtyn ata të përpiqen të gjejnë rrugën e tyre për në shtëpi pasi të lënë shtëpitë e tyre. Sidomos për


Po sikur qeni të mos urinojë?

Përballë një situate emergjente ku një qen nuk mund të urinojë, si pronare kafshësh shtëpiake, hapi i parë është të qëndroni të qetë dhe të merrni


Pse qentë tundin leshin e tyre?

Pas rritjes së qenve për një kohë të gjatë, pak a shumë kemi parë qen’ lëkundjet e gëzofit. Cili është kuptimi pas kësaj? Në fakt dëshiron

Merrni një ofertë të shpejtë

Ne do të përgjigjemi brenda 12 orë, ju lutemi kushtojini vëmendje emailit me prapashtesë "@shinee-pet.com".

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