How to make dogs fall in love with brushing their teeth?


Are you still struggling with the problem of dogs not brushing their teeth? Dog bad breath and tooth problems are already very serious. Don’t worry, as long as you learn to brush your dog’s teeth, these problems will be solved!

  1. Gradually make the dog accustomed to brushing its teeth. The specific operation method is to open the dog’s lips with one hand to expose its teeth, and touch the front and canine teeth with the other hand. If the dog resists, stop immediately and try again later; If the dog accepts the touch action, give it the necessary snack reward; Then touch the big teeth deep in the mouth with your hands again. This action needs to be repeated repeatedly, and after about 3 дана, the dog will fully get used to it.
  2. Let the dog get used to the smell of toothpaste. The specific operation method is to put on finger cots first, then squeeze a little toothpaste on the fingers and apply it to the dog’s mouth. At this time, the dog may swallow the toothpaste into its stomach, so don’t worry, toothpaste is harmless to the dog. The next step is to use a finger cots to simulate a toothbrush to brush the dog’s teeth. As long as the dog cooperates to complete the action, be sure to reward it with snacks. This process takes about 3-5 дана.
  3. Brush your teeth with a toothbrush. On the basis of the first two steps, the dog has basically adapted to brushing its teeth. At this point, we switch to a pet specific toothbrush, hold the toothbrush with our fingertips, and enter the pet’s mouth at a 45 degree angle. Gently draw a circle between the teeth and gums to clean, paying attention to the gentle process. After adapting a few times, dogs will fall in love with brushing their teeth

The oral health of dogs cannot be ignored. Long term failure to brush teeth may lead to problems such as bad breath, gingivitis, periodontitis, and in severe cases, it can also affect the pet’s appetite and overall health. So, as responsible owners, we should insist on regularly brushing our petsteeth to keep their mouths clean and healthy.


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