Шта је разлог да пси лижу шапе?


Пси лижу своје шапе је уобичајено понашање, али иза тога може бити више разлога.

  1. Cleaning is a common reason for dogs to lick their paws. Just as humans wash their hands to maintain hygiene, dogs may also lick their paws to remove dust or small debris from them. For example, after playing outdoors, if there are small sand particles on their paws, they will instinctively lick and clean them up.
  2. Skin problems cannot be ignored. Allergies, infections, or parasite bites can all cause itching or discomfort on the skin of dogspaws, prompting them to lick their paws. For example, allergies to pollen and dust mites in certain environments can cause skin redness, swelling, and itching, and dogs can only try to alleviate this discomfort by licking. Or being bitten by parasites such as fleas and ticks can make them constantly lick their paws.
  3. Wounds or pain are also a major trigger for dogs to lick their paws. When claws are injured, wounds appear, or there is joint pain, licking may become an instinctive self soothing behavior. Imagine if a dog’s paws are accidentally scratched by sharp objects, or if they develop arthritis due to aging, causing unbearable pain, licking their paws becomes their subconscious response.
  4. Psychological factors may also cause dogs to lick their paws. When dogs feel anxious, stressed, or extremely bored, they may exhibit the behavior of repeatedly licking their paws. For example, if the owner is not at home for a long time and the dog is alone at home without companionship and entertainment, it may pass the time or relieve inner anxiety by licking its paws.
    Finally, dry climate conditions may also be one of the reasons. Dry climate may cause cracked paw skin, and dogs lick their paws to moisturize dry skin.
    In short, if you find your dog frequently licking its paws, be sure to carefully check if there are any abnormal conditions in the paws. When necessary, consult a veterinarian in a timely manner to determine the cause as early as possible and provide appropriate treatment to ensure the health and comfort of the dog.


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