2022 new cat electric lifting ball toys

What toys can make cats happy?

Bagikeun Tulisan Ieu

  1. YOUR PETS’S JOY WHEN HOME ALONE:Long working hours,Smart and active to accompany pets to play.let them be happy all day long when we leave.The pet can play by itself without affecting your work. (this product needs to be equipped with two AAA batteries, but product does not contain battery).
  2. SELF ROTATING: degrees rolling in different directions, with colorful lights, more attractive to animalsinterest and attention. Built-in collision sensor, can automatically jump out when encountering any obstacles.Clip it on the desktop, clip it on the pet table to play with the pet, take the pet to exercise.
  3. SAFE:The outer shell has good toughness, environmental protection, safety and reliability. which has higher hardness and is more suitable for pets. Looks funny and interesting to your pets.Pets can increase agility by playing games, focus on playing pets, reduce pet damage to furniture, help your pet stay active and healthy, and improve the relationship between you and your pet.
  4. Keep your pet comfortable, it’s easy to clean and beautiful; it’s easy to move around your house; it’s suitable for small and medium dogs and cats; soft and comfortable.The hair ball can be replaced with other toys, your pet will fall in love with it.
  5. Electric lift ball: When the toy is triggered, it can be automatically turned off for about 5 minutes, or the button can be turned off again during the toy operation.According to the characteristics of pets, the elastic part of the back neck is added, the fixed shape is not easy to fall off, and it is light and portable, suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

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