2024 Kaulinan Ucing Interaktif Otomatis Smart Anyar

Make your cat interested in chasing and exercising

Bagikeun Tulisan Ieu


1.Smart & Automatic Interactive Cat Balls: The ball automatically changes direction when hitting an obstacle. 2024 Upgraded version 360 degree self rotating ball rolls around by itself randomly and quietly with the red LED light shining and swing all along.

2.Keep Cat Healthy & Fit: This automatic cat toy ball is a funny toy for your cats. keep your cats interested to chase and exercise, this rolling ball helps to keep cats physically fit and mentally active. Taking exercise while having fun. Keep furry babies happy and healthy.

3.USB Rechargeable Power: No need for battery replacement. This electric rolling ball needs a single 1.5 hour charge provides more than 3-4 hours of fun time, simply plug into a USB port with included charging cable.

4.ABS Safe High Quality Plastic: The best cat toy is made of high quality non-toxic ABS plastic. This pet ball is safe for cat to play and without fear of breaking it within 1 meter.

5.Your CatsBest Toy: The smart rolling ball stops rolling automatically after 45 minutes to save power and let cat rest when you’re away. Your cats could chase it on hard floor, tile floor and thin carpet but not thick carpet.

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