Foldable Cat Litter Box jeung tutup badag Enclosed Kitty Potty Anti Splashing

2024 New Splash proof cat toilet

Bagikeun Tulisan Ieu

【Front Into Top Out】 The unidirectional front in and top out design of the cat litter box is free and not stuck to the cat, which can satisfy the cat’s jumping instincts, while the groove of the top cover’s gently sloped design can effectively prevent the litter from splattering and keep the room neat and tidy.
【Drawer Structure】The closed litter box can make the cleaning work faster and cleaner, just drag the tray out for cleaning and replacing the cat litter, labor-saving and hygienic.
【Collapsible Litter Box】The collapsible cat box with lidis easy to install, easy to assemble without tools, quick and easy, not easy to deform, and the closed design can also block odors from emanating
【LARGE SPACE】 This closed litter box is spacious, the spacious 18.913.814.6 inches for 12 pounds cat can turn around easily. The enclosed space structure makes cats feel more secure, while reducing odor emission and keeping the indoor air fresh.
【Cat Litter Box Accessory】 We specially matched the matching cute litter box and deodorizing kit for the cat litter box, the litter scoop can be hung directly on top of the toilet for cats, and the deodorizing kit can eliminate the odor in one fell swoop.

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