New Foldable Car Pet Dog Safety Seat Nest

Don't worry about the dog running around in the car

Bagikeun Tulisan Ieu


1.Never have to stress with your pets again on the road with the Durable Portable Pet Booster Car Seat.

2.The adjustable straps are easy to setup and it is compatible with most cars, vans and SUVs. It is also very easy to store as it folds compactly into any narrow spaces, making it very convenient to place inside the car.

3.A ring is included on the seat to secure the movement of your pet, keeping the car seats free of fur and safe from your pet’s claws. Your car seats will be clean without hassle.

4.A zipper front compartment can be used to store treats and toys. You can also place a cushion as a padding to provide a comfortable ride for your pet.

5.The Dimensions are 16”L x 12.6”W x 9.5’H and can easily hold pets up to 20 lbs.

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