New Heavy Duty Dog Leash

The quality of pet traction rope is very important for dogs and ourselves

Bagikeun Tulisan Ieu

The quality of pet traction rope is very important for dogs and ourselvesTherefore, our hauling rope has these characteristics

1.HEAVY DUTY DOG LEASHMade of 1/2 inch diameter, 5ft long nylon climbing rope with rust free and rugged metal clip, our leash is guaranteed to provide you a walk with your dog with no fear of losing control whether you are strolling in a park or on the road side.

2.COMFORTABLE FOAM HANDLEThe ergonomic, contoured and soft padded handle provides comfort grip and control, no more rope burns! Features soft padded handles for amazing comfortable, just enjoy the feeling walks with your dog.

3.REFLECTIVE SURFACE FOR NIGHT VISIBILITY -Highly reflective threads provides high visibility and safety at night, making night walks more safer.

4.PERFECT LENGTH -This 5 foot length dog leash is a perfect balance suitable to withstand any pulling pressure, running or training with your dogs. It is designed to provide a perfect balance between freedom and control.

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