Hiji-Piece dijieun Foldable Silicone Portabel Dog Mangkuk pikeun Pets Leumpang Hiking

Integrated molding with no peeling or cracks on the edges

Bagikeun Tulisan Ieu

【Unique and Different】Dog bowl set is in a league of its own, addressing issues from feedback on other bowls. The upgraded carabiner boasts a larger, sturdier opening, reducing the risk of breakage. Plus, enjoy the added convenience of bottle carriers, compatible with most cola-shaped water bottles in the market.
【Revolutionary Structure】Say goodbye to the hassle of assembled plastic rings. foldable dog bowl boasts an upgraded structure, integrating soft silicone with a hard rim. No more worries about the ring coming off or cracking, and the clip hole remains intact.
【Unmatched Stability】Thanks to the integrated hard rim, our dog bowl stays sturdy when unfolded. No more spills or losing structure. Carry it confidently with one hand, even when it’s full of water.
【Perfect for On-the-Go】These travel bowls are a breeze to pack since they collapse effortlessly. Clip them to a backpack or water bottle – ideal for outgoing to the park, hiking, driving, or any social activities with your furry friend.
【Safety First】Crafted from high-quality, food-grade silicone with a tempting beef flavor, our dog foldable bowl eliminates the typical silicone smell that dogs dislike. BPA-free, dishwasher safe, it’s not just convenient but also healthy for your pet.

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