Outdoor travel weather proof bicycle pet trailer

A bicycle trailer that can travel with pets

Bagikeun Tulisan Ieu

2-IN-1 DESIGN: Can be used as a jogging stroller that you push as you run, or it can be attached to your bike as a bike trailer for a cycling adventure.

WEATHER PROTECTION: Oxford fabric build on steel construction equipped with a weather shield that’s water- and sun- resistant to provide shade that protects your pets from sun and rain.

EASY ENTRY AND GOOD VENTILATION: Your pet can easily enter through the zippered front/back door, and stick their head out to enjoy the breeze through the roomy sunroof. A D-ring and safety leash are included.

SMOOTH AND SAFE ROLLING: Two 20rear wheels and a 360 degrees swivel universal front wheel provide a smooth rid. Keep your pet trailer safely in place with a convenient, built-in hand-lock brake system. An attached safety flag provides high visibility in traffic and low-light conditions.

EASY TRANSPORT AND STORAGE: The quick release wheels, which can fold flat for easy storage and transportation, can also stand upright and store away easily, so they won’t take up much space.

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