Pet Cat Litter Scoop, Aluminum Alloy Sifter, Kitty Metal Scooper, Deep Shovel, Long Handle, Poop Sifting, Awet, Heavy Duty, for Litter Box


Bagikeun Tulisan Ieu

  • [Warna & Ukuran]: Flat aluminum body with Blue handle; LARGE Pooper Scooper: Length 14.0x Width 5.0x Deep 2.0″.
  • [Deep Shovel Sifter Design]: 7 Inch deep shovel is an upgrade version. It’s built to make poop scooping much easier, the smooth shape is designed for cover all the corners of the litter box and reach deeply.
  • [Functions]: The sharp edge helps to loosen clumps. The sifter area holds wet clumps and lets clean litter pass through easily. The long handle keeps you away from cat’s waste. It is designed to keep litter box clean and save you loads of cat litter.
  • [Features]: Make this shovel durable and of high quality. After investigation with thousands thoughtful users, we finally make an improvement of removing the serrated edge as mentioned on reviews. The body is waterproof and very easy to clean, rust-resistant and corrosion resistant. It’s highly recommended by cat lovers for everyday use.
  • [Premium Material]: Full aluminum alloy cast built body, comfort grip handle, all together make this scooper long last for years.

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