Pet Dog Cat Medical Collar

Collar specially designed to prevent pets from licking wounds.

Bagikeun Tulisan Ieu

1.Comfortable: Inflatable collars are soft and it does not block your pet’s vision, they can eat, drink, sleep and play normally.

2.Scratch and bite resistant: The inflatable collar can well-protect your pets from injuries, rashes and post-surgery wounds. It will prevent pets from biting and licking their injured area or surgical site and promote recovering from surgery or wounds.

3.Easy to store: The inflatable recovery design allow you to deflate it so you can store it in a small space when you do not use it.

4.Adjustable: The collar has an inner ring that can be adjusted to a proper size for your pet by using strap.

5.Durable and stable: The premium protective collar is soft and washable, it will not mark or scrape furniture and you can insert your pet’s everyday collar through the inner ring loops for a stabilization.

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