Rechargeable Low Noise Paw Trimmer Dog Clippers Grooming Kit Hair Clipper


Bagikeun Tulisan Ieu

【Safe & Effective】Many pets are often stressed by the noise and vibration of dog hair clippers, our dog grooming supplies feature a superior motor and whisper-quiet technology, keep them calm and help pets polish their claws faster and easier.
【Complete Trimming Tools】Our dog hair clipper include 3 trimmer heads and 1 nail grinder head that can be replaced, if you’re looking for a hair clipper for grooming for dog, cat or other furry friend, then look no further, this dog nail clippers have trimming and everything needed for full body clipping and nail sharpening.
【Washable & Easy To Carry】Our cat nail trimmer is very light weight, it’s easy to carry, charge anytime and anywhere. Just 5 hours charge to use it for 90 minutes continuously, no longer worry about replacing the battery and boring wire, this dog paw trimmer can directly clean under the tap.
【Perfect pet grooming kit】Our dog grooming clipper with 4 guided combs, your pet’s hair will be perfectly trimmed to your desired length, comfortable for your pet’s scalp. Our dog trimmer for face give your pets a safe, relaxing and excellent grooming experience!
【Cordless Using】The cordless animal paw trimmer , allowing you to freely move in any direction, resolve the hard-to-reach spots. The lightweight and ergonomic body design makes it easier to handle.

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