Te uri e te mimi e te mau raau e ere i te mea rahi roa, te vai ra te tahi mau maa e ere i te mea maitai no te mau mimi &Te mau urî nainai


Faaite i teie parau

No ni'a i teie tao'a

  • Capacity:1.7 cups(400 ml, 13.5 Fluid Ounces) capacity of each single bowl, perfect for different breeds of kittens and adult cats, as well as small dogs
  • Safe Ceramic Material: Loaded by food grade lead-free handmade ceramic bowls for safer use. free of lead and cadmium. High temperature ceramic,non-toxic harmless,no smell,durable
  • Natural Wooden Stand:Unique wooden stand can effectively prevent food from spilling and keep the floor clean and tidy. Non-Slip bowl base, making it easy to pick up and put down
  • Scientific Modern Designed:Suitable height makes your pet easier to ingest food and water, to develop a healthy eating posture, and protect your pet’s cervical spine. We know every point you care about
  • Double Bowl Design:One dog bowl for food and one for water, Each ceramic cat bowl has a Unique wooden stand, raising the dishes closer to your pet for more comfortable eating

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E pahono tatou i roto 12 Te mau hora, a haapa'o maitai i te rata uira e te suffix " @shinee-pet.com ".

A hi'o atoa, e nehenehe ta oe e haere i te Api no te farereiraa, o te horo'a mai i te hoê parau haamaramaramaraa hau atu, mai te peu e mea rahi a'e ta outou mau maimiraa no nia i te mau tao'a aore ra te hinaaro ra outou e hoo mai i te tahi atu â mau tao'a hamanihia e te animala.

Parururaa i te mau itepiri

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