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It can bring more fun and joy to dogs

Faaite i teie parau


1.Multifunctional outdoor dog supplies:This product is a multifunctional dog product which can be used as a dog foot-drinking fountain,outdoor bathing shower, and sprinkling toy. The multifunctional design can bring more fun and happiness to the dog.

2.Step on drinking fountain: The dog steps on the pedal with his foot,and the shower hole immediately sprays water upwards.The shower will stop when the dog takes foot away from the pedal.By repeating this process, this can not only be used by the dogs for outdoor drinking, but also can improve their IQ.

3.Outdoor sprinklers:Turn on the switch on the back of the product,5 shower holes with adjustable sprinkler angle on both sides will start sprinkling.Rotary switch can adjust the amount of water,which can be used as an outdoor bathing sprinkler for dogs.

4.Strong and durable:This product is made of durable ABS,which can be used for a long time, not be deformed, not be faded,and will not be damaged by dog.

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