Самоочищувальна щітка для собак, Коти, Легка щітка для собак для масажного догляду

Dog Brush(1)

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Про цей предмет

  • SELF-CLEANING MECHANISM : The slicker brush features a unique self-cleaning mechanism that allows you to easily removes hair from the brush with just the push of a button.
  • EFFICIENT FUR REMOVAL, GENTLE ON YOUR PET’S SKIN : The pet hair brush is designed with fine 135° stainless steel bristles and gentle massage particles that effectively remove loose hair, dander, & dirt trapped beneath the fur without causing any discomfort or irritation to the pet’s skin. Leave the pet’s fur soft and shiny!
  • SUITABLE FOR ALL COAT TYPES : The dog brush for shedding is suitable for use on dogs, коти, and small animals with all coat types, including long, short, curly, wiry, and even heavy coats.
  • UNIQUE HANDLE, ERGONOMIC DESIGN : Features an ergonomic design with a non-slip handle that provides a comfortable grip. The lightweight dog brush, weighing only 89g, allows for extended periods of grooming without experiencing fatigue. This design ensures that both you and your pet are comfortable during grooming sessions.
  • DURABLE & LONG-LASTING : The cat brush is made of high-quality TPR material, sturdy and durable construction that is built to last, ensuring that pet owners can enjoy its benefits for years to come.

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