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A bicycle trailer that can travel with pets

Ushbu postni baham ko'ring

2-IN-1 DESIGN: Can be used as a jogging stroller that you push as you run, or it can be attached to your bike as a bike trailer for a cycling adventure.

WEATHER PROTECTION: Oxford fabric build on steel construction equipped with a weather shield that’s water- and sun- resistant to provide shade that protects your pets from sun and rain.

EASY ENTRY AND GOOD VENTILATION: Your pet can easily enter through the zippered front/back door, and stick their head out to enjoy the breeze through the roomy sunroof. A D-ring and safety leash are included.

SMOOTH AND SAFE ROLLING: Two 20rear wheels and a 360 degrees swivel universal front wheel provide a smooth rid. Keep your pet trailer safely in place with a convenient, built-in hand-lock brake system. An attached safety flag provides high visibility in traffic and low-light conditions.

EASY TRANSPORT AND STORAGE: The quick release wheels, which can fold flat for easy storage and transportation, can also stand upright and store away easily, so they won’t take up much space.

Koʻproq oʻrganish

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Biz ichida javob beramiz 12 soat, qo'shimchasi bilan elektron pochtaga e'tibor bering “@shinee-pet.com”.

Shuningdek, ga borishingiz mumkin Aloqa sahifasi, batafsilroq shaklni taqdim etadi, agar sizda mahsulotlar bo'yicha ko'proq so'rovlaringiz bo'lsa yoki ko'proq chorva mollari aralashmasini olishni istasangiz.

Ma'lumotlarni himoya qilish

Ma'lumotlarni himoya qilish qonunlariga rioya qilish uchun, qalqib chiquvchi oynadagi asosiy fikrlarni ko'rib chiqishingizni so'raymiz. Veb-saytimizdan foydalanishni davom ettirish uchun, "Qabul qilaman" tugmasini bosishingiz kerak & Yopish'. Maxfiylik siyosatimiz haqida ko'proq o'qishingiz mumkin. Shartnomangizni hujjatlashtiramiz va siz bizning maxfiylik siyosatimizga o‘tib, vidjetni bosish orqali voz kechishingiz mumkin.