It sizga qornini ochib nima demoqchi?

Bu sizga ba'zi muhim signallarni ko'rsatadigan it.

1.Show Trust
When a dog shows its belly to you, it is expressing trust in you. This action means that the dog sees you as a trustworthy companion and is willing to expose its weaknesses to you. This indicates that it has a very high level of trust in you and relies heavily on you.

2.Needs attention
If dogs feel lonely or bored, they may also turn their backs to seek your attention. “Please follow me, I need you by my side!” If ignored, they may try to catch your attention in other ways, such as nibbling on your pants or scratching you with their claws.

3.Feeling comfortable
A dog flipping its belly may also be due to feeling particularly comfortable and relaxed, especially on soft ground or under sunlight. This indicates that they are enjoying this comfortable state. At this point, you can gently touch its belly to make it feel more comfortable and happy.

4.Invite to play
In addition, a dog displaying its belly may also be inviting you to play with it. This posture is a signal that they want to move their bodies or engage in games.

Sometimes, if a dog knows they have done something wrong, they may apologize or seek reconciliation by flipping their belly. Ushbu holatda, giving it some caresses and small snacks as a reward can let it know that you have forgiven it.

6.There may be parasites
Frequent rolling on the ground accompanied by friction may indicate the presence of parasites in the dog’s body, attempting to alleviate itching by flipping its belly.


Ko'proq xabarlar

Mushukning tirnoqlari

Mushuk panjalariga tegsa nima deb o'ylaydi?

1、 Siz menga xayrixohlikni ko'rsatyapsiz Mushuklar insonning his-tuyg'ulari va xatti-harakatlari niyatlarini idrok eta oladigan juda sezgir hayvonlardir.. Mushukning panjasiga faol tegib turganingizda, ichida

Tezkor taklif oling

Biz ichida javob beramiz 12 soat, qo'shimchasi bilan elektron pochtaga e'tibor bering “”.

Shuningdek, ga borishingiz mumkin Aloqa sahifasi, batafsilroq shaklni taqdim etadi, agar sizda mahsulotlar bo'yicha ko'proq so'rovlaringiz bo'lsa yoki ko'proq chorva mollari aralashmasini olishni istasangiz.

Ma'lumotlarni himoya qilish

Ma'lumotlarni himoya qilish qonunlariga rioya qilish uchun, qalqib chiquvchi oynadagi asosiy fikrlarni ko'rib chiqishingizni so'raymiz. Veb-saytimizdan foydalanishni davom ettirish uchun, "Qabul qilaman" tugmasini bosishingiz kerak & Yopish'. Maxfiylik siyosatimiz haqida ko'proq o'qishingiz mumkin. Shartnomangizni hujjatlashtiramiz va siz bizning maxfiylik siyosatimizga o‘tib, vidjetni bosish orqali voz kechishingiz mumkin.