Báaxalo'ob utia'al u cha'achik peek'o'ob Cepillo koj utia'al peek'o'ob Cepillo limpieza koj ti' barra Dental utia'al peek' nojoch u mediano, Cachorro u Navidad,Regalos k'aaba' Pascua


Ts'aiko'on le k'iinil

  • GREAT WAY TO ENTERTAIN AND PRACTICE DENTAL HYGIENE: The bristles on the dog toothbrush are arranged neatly; Put dog toothpaste into the grooves of the dog toothbrush stick; When dogs chew the toy will effectively clean teeth, and promote your dog’s strong jaws; For an added surprise, the base squeaks! Squeaky dog toys create fun sounds provide long-lasting engagement making chewing more exciting for dogs
  • DURABLE & TOUGH: Made of upgrade natural, the dog chew toothbrush toy is strong enough to withstand dog biting and chewing; Especially for difficult to brush teeth daily since dogs like to bite toothbrush; Tough dog toys help keep dogs teeth clean in a gentle way! Recommend for super chewers and energetic pups; A great toy to keep busy while brushing teeth to fight bad breath
  • SOFT & STURDY GREAT TEETHING TOY: Chunk interactive dog toys around the yard and it has a good bounce, fun enough that high energy dogs love tossing it around as when it kind of bounces; Also nice and durable for some tug-of-war; Ideal for getting teeth clean but also helping to release stress; Tough chew toys for puppy medium dogs but also would be great as a toothbrush for an aggressive chewer
  • ENJOY BRUSHING: Soft matte texture good for your dog’s gums and not easy to left trace; Perfect design and material to ensure dogs don’t chip any teeth as it plays with funny dog toys while helps them clean teeth; This dog chew teeth toys contains delicious mile flavor that super chewers and playful pups will love; Easy to clean and dishwasher allow; Recommend to clean before use

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