Interior leti' Exterior peek', miiso'ob, Cachorros, CorralitoO' Plegable u Metal

未标题 1

Ts'aiko'on le k'iinil

About this item

  • Extra-Small 24-inch exercise play pen (no door) for dogs up to 16 inches tall or for other small pets
  • 8 connected panels with thumb clips for connecting the ends together; 8 ground anchors for secure placement outdoors; made of durable iron wire with a rustproof finish
  • Can be easily configured into multiple stand-alone shapes (round, square, rectangle) for playtime or be used to block off a room
  • Sets up in seconds; simply unfold, shape, and connect (no tools needed); folds flat for easy transport and storage
  • Note: Do not leave pets unattended outdoors
  • Product Dimensions: 60 x 60 x 24 Pulgadas (LxWxH, round) or 48 x 48 x 24 Pulgadas (LxWxH, square); 24 x 24 Pulgadas (LxH, per panel)

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