Safe Comfort No Pull & No Chock Adjustable Easy To Use Pet dog cat Harness

which is ideal for training dogs or cats that tend to pull

Ts'aiko'on le k'iinil


  1. Adjustable and Easy To Use: This dog vest features 2 quick-release buckles, you can easily put on and take off our pet harness. By adjusting the 4 straps around the neck and chest, you can get a customized fit and extra growth space for your pet.
  2. No Pull & No Chock: Our dog harness is specially designed with 2 metal traction rope loops to make the dog walk safer. Use a chest clip to prevent your dog from pulling while walking, which is ideal for training dogs or cats that tend to pull. The clip on the dog’s back is very suitable for casual walks, jogging, excursionismo, etcetera.
  3. Safe and Comfort: Our padded harnesses are made of high quality durable Polyester fiber material,lightweight,Soft Air Mesh,It’s very comfortable and breathable. Highly Reflective straps to ensure your dog and cat is highly visible and keep dogs and cats safe at night.

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