Cepillo removedor u tso'otsel mascotas reutilizable u diseño autolimpiante

Can quickly and effectively remove any hair from clothing

Ts'aiko'on le k'iinil

  1. 2 ti' 1 Rodillo removedor u tso'otsel: Le cepillo removedor u tso'otsel mejorado ma' chéen u aplica utia'al u pelaje le mascotas, pelusa, pelusa, pelusa Ba'ale' xan utia'al u tso'otsel ch'íijsajil. Jump'éel cepillo xoknáalo'obo' utia'al mantener a nook' síis yéetel Cho'.
  2. Ultra-portable Lint Brush: A great travel companion to keep your clothes crisp and clean wherever you go. Designed to be small and ultra handy(7.2inch X 1.6inch X 1.6inch), the brush can quickly and efficiently remove fur mess from any inch of your clothing.Simply swipe it gently over the fabric surface, and the fur gets instantly picked up by the brush.
  3. Reusable Pet Hair Remover: No refills required like the traditional lint rollers. Pet Hair Fur Remover is completely reusable and there are no sticky papers!
  4. Rodillo duradero utia'al u tso'otsel mascota: Le plástico duradero ti' nylon yéetel ABS garantiza u durabilidad le rodillo depilación mascotas. Wa yaan miiso'ob, Peek', wa je'el uláak' mascota peluda, le rodillo quitapelos le ba'ax táan a kaxtik!
  5. Diseño autolimpiante: Mina'an necesidad u Ch'íin k'ab u yoot'el p'u'ujul ti' le cepillo, tin cha'aj u le cepillo ku p'o'ik u kin tuukul eficiente! Yéetel gire u mango le cepillo ya'abkach Óoxten utia'al depositar u yoot'el recolectada ti' le cámara desechos.. De-fuzz your clothes quickly and get rid of the waste easily.

Asab utia'al a xíimbaltik

Táak wáaj a asab mezcla yik'áalil., Soluciones u yik'áalil utia'al mascotas láayli' ti'?

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Beey xan, Je'el u páajtal a bin le Linki abas kaambal ti' máax ku, ku proporciona jump'éel formulario asab detallado, Wa yaan u asab consultas yóok'ol yik'áalil wa k'áato' kéen p'áatak asab mezcla yik'áalil utia'al u mascotas.

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