2024 I-Pet Dog Training Clicker entsha eneWrist Strap


Yabelana ngalokhu okuthunyelwe


  • Come in 2 pack button clickers with wrist strap in 2 different colors:Black, eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka
  • Can be used to train the dog basic obedience, small trick, and correct the bad behavior; Scientific method of training your pet safely and easily.
  • Stop barking and dog obdeience. Train your dog quiqly just by simply pressing the clicker and command.
  • Well constructed and durable, metal clicker will not rust or break.
  • Big button for easy clicking and loud sound. Easy to use in any position.

Okuningi Ongakuhlola

Ufuna imiksi yomkhiqizo eyengeziwe, izixazululo ezingcono kakhulu zomkhiqizo wesilwane esifuywayo?

Sishiyele ulayini futhi uhlale uxhumane.

Thola Isilinganiso Esisheshayo

Sizophendula ngaphakathi 12 amahora, sicela unake i-imeyili enezijobelelo "@shinee-pet.com".

Futhi, ungaya ku Ikhasi Lokuxhumana, elihlinzeka ngefomu elinemininingwane eyengeziwe, uma unemibuzo eyengeziwe ngemikhiqizo noma ungathanda ukuthola imiksi yomkhiqizo wezilwane ezifuywayo.

Ukuvikelwa Kwedatha

Ukuze uthobele imithetho yokuvikela idatha, sikucela ukuthi ubuyekeze amaphuzu abalulekile ku-popup. Ukuze uqhubeke usebenzisa iwebhusayithi yethu, udinga ukuchofoza okuthi 'Yamukela & Vala'. Ungafunda kabanzi mayelana nenqubomgomo yethu yobumfihlo. Sibhala isivumelwano sakho futhi ungahoxa ngokuya kunqubomgomo yethu yobumfihlo bese uchofoza iwijethi.