Umbhede wekati okwazi ukugcakamela ilanga

hanging cat bed that can bask in the sun

Yabelana ngalokhu okuthunyelwe

Here is our company’s newly developed hanging cat bed


1. Measurement – 22″ X 12X 1.5″ ( L x W x H ); stainless steel cord length: 23″; suction cup Diameter: 3.3″; strong enough to hold your cat up to 30lbs.

2. 360° free of dead corner sunbath – basking in this cat window perch, your pet cat avoid moving again and again as long as the sun Didn’t go down. Well, it’s also space saving cat bed, without taking up valuable space in your home, Your cat can also enjoy a front view of nature while basking.

3. Breathable Oxford cloth cord – Made of Oxford cloth, cat’s body temperature won’t overheat because of this cat bed Cord’s air permeability; in winter, add a mattress on this pet cat hammock, This window mounted cat bed will the best cozy cat bed.

4. Safety mounted cat bed – industrial strength Suction cups hold up to an amazing 30 pounds. Your cat must jump in and jump out of this resting Seat, which is another kind of exercise, keeping good healthy of your cat.

Okuningi Ongakuhlola

Ufuna imiksi yomkhiqizo eyengeziwe, izixazululo ezingcono kakhulu zomkhiqizo wesilwane esifuywayo?

Sishiyele ulayini futhi uhlale uxhumane.

Thola Isilinganiso Esisheshayo

Sizophendula ngaphakathi 12 amahora, sicela unake i-imeyili enezijobelelo "".

Futhi, ungaya ku Ikhasi Lokuxhumana, elihlinzeka ngefomu elinemininingwane eyengeziwe, uma unemibuzo eyengeziwe ngemikhiqizo noma ungathanda ukuthola imiksi yomkhiqizo wezilwane ezifuywayo.

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